Is This a Rebound Relationship?



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A rebound relationship refers to a short-lived relationship that occurs immediately after the breaking up of a serious relationship. Your new partner is said to have caught you “on the rebound.” Your needs and expectations in a rebound relationship probably differ significantly from a normal relationship, but that doesn’t mean that rebounding is unhealthy. Knowing the rebound relationship signs and being able to see is it a rebound relationship or not can help you make good life choices.

The best rebound relationship serves a purpose.

On the surface, most of us use rebound relationships to distract us from the unpleasantness of our recent breakup. By connecting immediately with someone new, we never fully deal with the emotional aftermath of ending a long-term relationship. Rebounding may be perceived as means of moving on in life, but it is also a reflex many of us have to avoid being alone. Think of a rebound relationship as a quick fix to breaking up and a fun alternative to an unexpected trip back to being single. Rebounds tend to only last for a few weeks or months, serving as a gentle transition back into the dating scene. The best rebound relationships are like this, although there can be bad ones too.

Is this a rebound relationship? Take stock of your expectations and always ask is it a rebound relationship.

Often we fall into rebound relationships with incredibly high expectations of our new partner. We assume that the new guy or girl magically lacks every flaw we found in our previous relationship. Be prepared to face the reality that while your rebounding beau or belle may seem like a breath of fresh air for now, you’ve probably just exchanged one set of issues for another. If you catch yourself demanding perfection then you can be pretty sure it is one of the many rebound relationship signs.

Is it a rebound relationship? Ask yourself if you’re moving too fast, too soon.
One of the rebound relationship signs is that you find yourself rushing to make up for lost time. Even though we know that committed relationships need time to develop, we feel a sense of urgency to get our new relationship on the right track. Beware that your rebounding fast-track may actually take you in the wrong direction, so ask is it a rebound relationship.

Rebound relationship signs: Masking your pain

The biggest problem with a rebound relationship is that someone inevitably ends up getting used. Hurting someone else or being used as a distraction is never a positive experience, so try to be honest with your partner about where you are coming from and what your intentions are. The best rebound relationships serve a purpose for both people involved, and everyone walks away in the end having had a positive experience.

Just as a final reminder to everyone out there looking for the best rebound relationship, remember that emotional pain hurts, but it won’t kill you. It can however, lead you to behavior that you will regret later on in life. While rebounding has its advantages, there is still something to be said for dealing with the emotional aftermath of your breakup and achieving some closure before moving on